Wiris products accessibility

MathType accessibility makes math available to users with disabilities.

At Wiris, we pursue the belief that math should be accessible to anyone. The unfortunate reality is that virtually all math in educational content and assessments are not accessible to many students with disabilities. We are committed to working with the accessibility community to make math fully accessible to everyone.

How we accomplish accessibility

  • Accessibility math equation editor formula writer MathType MathML accessibility

    Keyboard accessibility

    You can navigate areas up and down using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, and inside the areas using the arrow keys.

  • Screen reader Wiris Accessibility math equation editor formula writer MathType MathML

    Screen reader

    Formulas with MathType Web are delivered as images ALT text. Such text is automatically generated when you create the formula, and no human intervention is needed.
    Furthermore, images are labeled with the attribute role=”math” from the standard WAI-ARIA, and this helps advanced screen readers (like NVDA) to read the formula directly from the MathML.

  • WCAG Wiris Accessibility math equation editor formula writer MathType MathML


    MathType is compliant with accessibility requirements to create a software accessible to people with disabilities. Readable content by third-party assistive technologies or content functionalities operables through keyboard are requirements that MathType follows from WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.0 guidelines developed by W3C.